TOJSAT - Volume 10 - Issue 1 - January 2020
Nevin ALGÃœL
The aim of this article is to explain the effects of Hollywood actors and actresses on the structuring of Turkish cinema YeÅŸilçam period actors and actresses by using the data of semiotics. It covers the tone, body language and all visual elements. Such as Clark Gable look and his moustache, Kim Novak’s posture, hair and his gaze at the camera.
Sezgin Ersoy, Mehmet Erdem TaÅŸ
The expansion of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles has developed new ideas and applications. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles has a wide target range from postal distribution to agricultural land inspection. The aim of this study is to design unmanned aircraft systems that can analyze air pollution from specific points, transfer instant pollution information to computer and transfer images to desired points. The important point in the design is that the aerodynamics of the mechanical structure give the most effective results at high altitudes and changing wind speeds. In this study, a quadcopter was designed to be used in instant air measurements. In the computational flow analysis applied on the design, for air flow values of 10m / sec, 15m / sec, 20m / sec and 25m / sec; The effect of pressure, turbulence and velocity variables were investigated. As a result of the analysis, no results were found to affect the vehicle's ability to move in these parameters. As a consequence of the studies and analyzes, it is concluded that this design is suitable for instant air pollution measurements.
Serdar KORKMAZ, Muhammed Zakir KESKÄ°N
The aim of this study is to develop a numerical model of groundwater flow in the lower part of Susurluk Basin located within the boundaries of Karacabey and MustafakemalpaÅŸa districts of Bursa, Turkey. For this purpose, daily groundwater levels from 5 observation wells were acquired for years between 2013 and 2015. Daily precipitation and evapotranspiration values of several stations in the region were obtained from the General Directorate of Meteorology. In GIS environment, the wells were marked as points and boundaries of the basin were determined using a topographic map and a Digital Elevation Model. Shapefiles containing aquifer boundaries and well locations were transferred to MODFLOW interface. The groundwater flow simulations were performed for years between 2013- 2015 and the groundwater level distribution was obtained. Hydrologic parameters were also estimated.
The alcoholic fermentation is exposed to a high risk of microbial infections, which have a significant impact on the efficiency of the process and the quality of the distillates. This article presents the effect of lactic acid bacteria on an alcohol fermentation by yeast and a method of reducing this undesirable microflora with the use of a preparation of hop α-acids. The results indicate that the application of hop α-acids preparation allows reducing the development of microbial infection, which are mainly lactic acid bacteria. Besides, it allows an ethanol yield to be improved. The solution is as a pro-ecological and agreeing with EU politics.
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