9 TOJSAT-The Online Journal of Science and Technology

TOJSAT - Volume 4 - Issue 1 - January 2014

Complete Issue's PDF file


A Framework for the Participatory Design of Interactive Media Façade

Sun-young Jang, Sung-Ah Kim

Carbon Emission Based Optimisation Approach for the Facility Location Problem


Compressive behaviour of glass fiber reinforced aluminium foam

Ali KurÅŸun, Emre Kara, Recep Uygun, Halil Aykul

Linux, an Alternative Operating System Choice for Student

Ahmed Noor Kader Mustajir Md Eusoff and Muhammad Asyraf Wahi Anuar

Maintenance Performance of the Kwanyaku Water Treatment Plant

E. A. Duodu and J.D. Owusu-Sekyere

The Black Olive Fruits of Jijelian Sigoise Variety (Eastern Algeria): Quality Evaluation for Possible Use as Table Olives and Pesticides Research

Tayeb Idoui and Amina Bouchefra

The Effects of Economic Growth on Environment: An Application of Environmental Kuznets Curve in United Arab Emirates

Aydin Basarir and Hasan Arman

The Evaluation of Grinding Behaviors of Quartz and Feldspar

Yakup Umucu, Vedat Deniz



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