9 TOJSAT-The Online Journal of Science and Technology

Message from the Editor-in-Chief

Dear Colleagues,

TOJSAT welcomes you. TOJSAT would like to thank you for your online journal interest. The online journal system has been diffused very fast for last ten years. We are delighted that a lot of educators, teachers, parents, and students from around the world have visited for eleven years. It means that TOJSAT has continued to diffuse new trends in science and technology to all over the world since January, 2011. We hope that the volume 11, issue 4 will also successfully accomplish our global science and technology goal. 

TOJSAT is confident that readers will learn and get different aspects on science and technology.  Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of the Editor and TOJSAT.

TOJSAT thanks and appreciate the editorial board who have acted as reviewers for one or more submissions of this issue for their valuable contributions.

TOJSAT will organize ISTEC-2022- International Science & Technology Conference (www.iste-c.net). This conference is now a well-known science and technology event. It promotes the development and dissemination of theoretical knowledge, conceptual research, and professional knowledge through conference activities. Its focus is to create and disseminate knowledge about science and technology. ISTEC-2014 conference book has been published at http://www.iste-c.net/istecpubs

For any suggestions and comments on the international online journal TOJSAT, please do not hesitate to contact.

Call for Papers

TOJSAT invites you article contributions. Submitted articles should be about all aspects of science and technology. The articles should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to TOJSAT. Manuscripts must be submitted in English.

TOJSAT is guided by it’s editors, guest editors and advisory boards. If you are interested in contributing to TOJSAT as an author, guest editor or reviewer, please send your cv to editor.

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